Performance Management - P&S

Effective: July 1, 2009
Reviewed and Updated: March 29, 2018
Contact: University Human Resources (UHR) Employee Management

This policy replaces:
Performance Appraisal-P&S
Dismissal, Unsatisfactory Performance-P&S


The purpose of this policy is to endorse a system of performance management for Professional and Scientific (P&S) employees that supports and advances the mission of Iowa State University in a manner consistent with the strategic plan.


A strong and sound performance management system enables an organization of people to set benchmarks that measure how the staff satisfies the mission of the organization. At Iowa State University this system allows a dialogue between supervisors and their employees in the process of measuring performance, behavior and outcomes and in achieving the expectations of the job. A good performance management system also supports reasonable opportunities for improvement or remedies through corrective actions, which may include termination.

A performance management system that allows Iowa State University to evaluate the relevant factors of job duties and responsibilities of its employees focuses on communication and continuous performance improvement. Performance management assumes each employee wants to do his/her very best and helps them measure attainment. Additionally, performance management also provides documentation of sustained poor performance. Communication between supervisors and employees and within work teams is vital to the success of the university efforts to create, share and apply knowledge.

Policy Statement

It is the responsibility of faculty and staff who supervise P&S employees to adhere to the following objectives and to the P&S Performance Management Program (see Resources link to Employee Management below).


The university has developed a sound performance management system that focuses on communication. Supervisors shall adhere to this policy and to the P&S Performance Management Program in order to:

  • Strengthen participation of management in the operation and mission of Iowa State University
  • Set a foundation for building greater trust between supervisors and their employees
  • Provide a reasonable and accessible communication system for setting, discussing and evaluating job expectations
  • Strengthen communication between supervisors and their employees as they work to accomplish the mission of Iowa State University, which is to create, share and apply knowledge
  • Foster teamwork
