Sales by Student Organizations

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 2.3(2)
Reviewed and Updated: August 3, 2016
Contact: Student Activities Center


Recognized student organizations planning to earn funds through periodic sales in campus buildings must obtain written authorization and schedule their sale through the Event Authorization Committee.

Policy Statement

Event authorization is initiated with the Student Activities Center. Requirements include completion of the Event Authorization Process, along with the review and appropriate signature authorization from ISU representatives such as the dean of the college, department chair, building supervisor or Facilities Planning and Management. Advertising for an event should not occur prior to consultation with a member of the Student Activities Center staff.

Student groups may be required to obtain health and safety inspections or to provide appropriate proof of insurance if the university requests. Sales of products, goods or services that may compete with university contracts such as soft drink and vending may be prohibited or restricted in order not to conflict with contract obligations. Violations of this policy should be referred to the office of the senior vice president for student affairs.
