Course Work Enrollment - Personnel

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 3.4(3)
Contact: University Human Resources (UHR)


University employees may be allowed to carry university instructional work in addition to their regular duties, subject to the approval of their supervisor and the head of the department, when the instructional work will not interfere with the employee's job responsibilities.

Policy Statement

Employees may, with approval, enroll for a maximum of fifteen (15) credits per calendar year, normally not to exceed six (6) credits per semester and three (3) credits per summer session. Employees will be expected to pay full tuition and fees for all courses taken.

Within the limitations of the number of credit hours taken, course work that is directly related to the duties and responsibilities of an employee may be permitted as part of assigned job responsibilities. Course work that is not directly related to an employee's duties and responsibilities and that is taken principally for enrichment or development may be permitted, subject to the employee making satisfactory arrangements with the employing department.

Course work taken outside of an employee's normally scheduled work period is not subject to this policy.
