Periodical Distribution

Effective: August 15, 1998
Reviewed and Updated: March 21, 2016
Contact: Senior Vice President for Operations and Finance


Policy Statement



This policy reflects the August 15, 1998 U.S. District Court decision and settlement agreement between Partnership Press, Inc., and Iowa State University.

Policy Statement


All organizations wishing to distribute periodicals on the Iowa State University campus must notify the office of the senior vice president for operations and finance or its designee prior to placing unattended periodical information on campus. Additionally, to unify the appearance of the campus, organizations wishing to distribute periodicals on the Iowa State University campus must use display mechanisms that meet the university standard as indicated under Distribution Guidelines below. Subject to space limitations, as long as the size and proposed number of editions to be distributed are reasonable, placement of distribution boxes will be permitted in locations indicated in the enclosed listing. Written notice of the proposed locations to be utilized by a publication should be submitted to the office of the senior vice president for operations and finance or its designee 30 days prior to the proposed date to begin distribution.

In-person distribution must comply with other university policies.


Periodical: A published work distributed on a regular basis such as a newspaper or magazine.

University-affiliated: Demonstrated connection to an academic program at Iowa State University or produced by a registered student or campus organization.


Interior Installations: Distribution Boxes

Boxes shall be of wood construction or other approved materials, matching others on campus, and complying with university building interior design standards.

Boxes will be either wall mount or floor units, depending on the space identified as a distribution location. Locations will meet all Americans with Disabilities Act architectural guidelines for access to the materials, all building and life safety codes, and be subject to space limitations.

Distribution boxes for free periodicals shall be of wood construction and shall match others on campus. The boxes can be purchased through the university. If desired, the requestor can construct a prototype based on the university's design (drawings are available), receive approval of the prototype from facilities planning and management, and then provide their own for installation at approved locations under university supervision.

Distribution boxes for pay and subscription periodicals shall fit inside a commercially available pedestal cabinet. The university-approved cabinet is the Sho-Rackä wood cabinet from Kaspar Wire Works, Inc. Acquisition information is available from facilities planning and management.

On a cost reimbursable basis, facilities planning and management will arrange to fabricate and install distribution boxes for periodicals.

At a limited number of locations, university units make publications available as a service to clients, students, visitors or employees. At these locations, called "drop-off locations" arrangements may be made with the unit for publications to be dropped off for placement inside the facility, and distribution boxes are not required. Drop-off locations are noted on Exhibit A.

Interior Installations: Distribution Locations

University-affiliated periodicals

Distribution shall be limited to approved areas within selected buildings (see Exhibit A for approved locations). Periodicals publishing on a non-daily schedule may be required to share distribution space with other like periodicals. Distribution areas will be evaluated on an individual basis should the demand be greater than the available space, or should increasing distribution propose special safety problems. If physical space limitations restrict the number of publications that can be accommodated at a specific location, a content neutral method of allocating space will be developed. University-affiliated publishers are encouraged to coordinate with other publishers distributing at the same location so as to assure efficient and safe use of space.

Non-affiliated periodicals

Distribution shall be limited to approved areas of selected buildings (see Exhibit A for a listing of approved locations). Periodicals publishing on a non-daily schedule may share distribution space with other like periodicals. Distribution areas will be evaluated on an individual basis should the demand be greater than the available space, or should increasing distribution propose special safety problems. If physical space limitations restrict the number of publications that can be accommodated at a specific location, a content neutral method of allocating space will be developed.

Subscription periodicals

When subscriptions are required as part of an academic program, distribution of subscriptions may be arranged through the academic department.

Mail and carrier delivery

Individual carrier or properly addressed periodicals delivered through the mail are subject to established university policies for deliveries and mail distribution on campus. Carrier delivery in residence halls or the university student apartments must comply with department of residence rules regarding distribution.

Exterior Installations: Distribution Locations

Exterior distribution locations and design standards for both university-affiliated and non-affiliated periodicals require approval of the senior vice president for operations and finance or his/her designee.


When delivering new editions of periodicals, delivery staff will remove out-of-date copies of their publications and bundling materials, if any, and dispose of them off campus, unless specific arrangements have been made with facilities planning and management to use the university refuse system at specific locations. A disposal fee may be charged for unauthorized use of campus refuse facilities.

Access for Delivery

Most campus buildings are accessible from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Contact with the specific building supervisor should be made regarding how to access buildings for deliveries outside of normal building hours. Delivery vehicles are expected to comply with campus parking and traffic regulations. Delivery vehicles are not permitted to drive off streets or roads, on sidewalks, or other areas.


Periodicals that do not follow the university guidelines may be barred from campus distribution for a period of up to one year after which time they may reapply for distribution privileges on campus. After the end of a period during which a periodical has been barred, the university may refuse to reallocate space in favor of such publications in those locations where the demand is greater than available space.

Unauthorized periodicals or distribution boxes on campus may be removed and disposed of by the university without notice to publications. Disposal costs and repairs to our facilities that may have been caused by the periodical may be charged to the publisher. Any past due bills may result in removal of publications and distribution boxes until the charges have been paid.

Enforcement of this policy shall be the responsibility of the associate vice president for facilities planning and management. Appeals of decisions of the associate vice president for facilities planning and management may be made to the office of the senior vice president for operations and finance.operations and finance

Periodicals or distribution boxes found in unapproved locations or in unauthorized distribution boxes may be disposed of by university personnel without notice and reported to the office of the senior vice president for operations and finance.
